DesignPowerhouse NewsPowerhouse Print Shop Powerhouse Named a Top Creative Studio in HWGI? Cincinnati Hey What's Good In? — a website and self-proclaimed resource guide for "creative people who…Emily LangFebruary 26, 2015
Cultural TrendsDesignLife at PowerhousePowerhouse News ‘Roo Roundup—Observing Trends and Culture at Bonnaroo Music Festival We left the shop at 4 a.m., easing the RV onto the interstate in the…Ben NuneryJuly 1, 2013
Cultural Trends Predictive Anomaly—May 2013 Trendcasting Live Wire The Powerhouse Factories May Trendcasting Live Wire highlights Predictive Anomaly, an emerging trend that illuminates…Emily WorstellMay 28, 2013
Brand BuildingConsumer ExperiencesCultural TrendsDesignLife at Powerhouse Different and Relevant—Crafting Our Company Culture with Screen Printing 101 At Powerhouse Factories, we’re proud of our roots in the art of printmaking, or more…Ben NuneryApril 30, 2013
Social Media Marketing Pinterest’s Design Overhaul and Other Big Stories in Social Pinterest Releases Design Overhaul Pinterest released a layout overhaul this week with better search tools…twiegertMarch 26, 2013