As many of you may already know, we were recently included, along with a very well-respected list of print makers, in an art book published by our friend Didier Maiffredy, with whom we had the great pleasure to meet and talk shop at Flatstock, SXSW in 2011.
Didier was recently interviewed in Brain Magazine regarding his recent book and the art of rock posters. Here’s the money quote on flyers to keep you making great stuff over good enough stuff, no matter how pedestrian:
Q: Is the concept of the flyer dead?
A: The flyer as a communications medium will always be in use, even if social networks and mobile phones increasingly diminish the need. But what interests us today, what is really at stake is not about the communication and tools, but the creation of images and objects seemingly ephemeral – but in fact made to last. To signify an event, to be the representation and the representative high aesthetic and artistic value. They are the size of a flyer but whatever … Wall Power, as the Americans say, is really taken into account.
Check out the book and this article for more information.